The article I chose was “How Does Technology Influence Student Learning.” I found this article to be an overwhelming factor in decided technology is a good thing. The first thing I found interesting was what English and Social Studies teachers observed. They observed after only one multimedia project students had a change, for the better, in their skills. I find this amazing considering, it was only one project. In addition, the fact they considered it significant spoke volumes.
Secondly, was the discussion on higher-thinking. This is something that will greatly benefit students throughout life. Technology aides in the development of real life situations then it must be implemented in every classroom to aide students. This is especially true for the hands on learner. They may be able to learn faster by watching a video.
Third, were the articles overwhelming statistics. The statistics listed, were in multiple areas of learning. These facts further the need and usefulness of technology. The numbers just don’t lie, and in addition make me as a future teacher hopeful.